Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Im in The Bands, Caitlyn Taylor Love! :)

This is caitlyn Taylor Love's Interview and we think that all of you are gonna love it. So i had caught up with this amazing celeb asking her about her career and things. I asked her what she likes about her new life as an official celeb. Caitlyn is playing in a new show called "Im in the Band' on Disney XD. Caitlyn LOVES her new life and i would to if i were her. ( Caitlyn & I both laugh ). haha :). Lets catch up with Caitlyn.
1. ^ Jimmiriyia: How did it feel being in MTV's show, "Punk'd" where you were involved in a prank on Rihanna? What did you like about the prank? ( i know i would have flipped. haha)
~ Caitlyn: I LOVED IT!!! I liked hanging out with Ashton and meeting Rihanna. :).... my favorite part about the prank was how flipped out she got.( haha )
^ Jimmiriyia: That sounds really fun and totally awesome!
~ Caitlyn: It was!

2. ^ Jimmiriyia: Is there anything that you like or admire about your Im in the Band Character, Izzy Fuentus? How did you react when you found out that you were in the show? :)
~ Caitlyn: I like how shes just herself all the time. Shes always dorky and doesnt care what people think about her. Oh and i love her style too. :) I freaked out when i heard i was part of the show! :) ( Caitlyn laughs )
^ Jimmiriyia: I like her style too! Her clothes are very amazing when you look at it. :)

3. ^ Jimmiriyia: How was America's got Talent? What did you do?
~ Caitlyn: I sang! It was pretty awesome and amazing! :)
^ Jimmiriyia: Come to think of it Caitlyn, I did see you on America's Got Talent! You have such an amazing voice just like your personality. :)

4. ^ Jimmiriyia: How did you first become an actress? What was your big break? :)
~ Caitlyn: America's Got Talent was my big break! I got an agent from there and then got to audition for Im in the Band! :)
^ Jimmiriyia: Thats so cool Caitlyn!!! Well thank you so much for the interview and your time. Keep it up on all that great acting. I bet you will have something amazing in store for all of your fans!

Well and here are some things that i like about Caitlyn, I like her acting skills and how she is a hard worker to whatever she does. She sticks to it. Caitlyn has an amazing voice to. Now shes on an awesome show, Im in the Band. Caitlyn has a wonderful personality! Thats something else i like about her. :). Im glad i can now talk to you Caitlyn! :)

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